VIDEO: Rosanne Raneri and Bryan Thomas live at Steamer 10

17 Apr

Such a fun and inspiring evening of music with the fabulous Rosanne Raneri.

From the Nippertown review:

It was an emotionally crushing rendition of Joni Mitchell’s “A Case of You” that was worth the price of admission all by itself. Trading off verses, Raneri and Thomas created something much more than just a song, transforming it into a heavenly hymn.

Here are a couple of videos from the duet set, including “A Case of You,” courtesy Matthew Loiacono. Thanks to Steamer 10 and of course Mr. Michael Eck for making it all happen.

“I Won’t Show Me”

“A Case of You”


Steamer No. 10: Eclectic Performance Series | FACEBOOK RSVP
Rosanne Raneri – Bryan Thomas
April 14 at 8 pm

As part of the Spring 2012 Eclectic Performance Series, Steamer No. 10 presents a rare pairing of two of the area’s most talented, yet most elusive artists. No single Capital Region performer has landed on more critics’ lists than Rosanne Raneri. Thomas – often recording by himself under a variety of assumed names and personages – has relentlessly fused rock, funk and pop in a bold, unique and sometimes enigmatic mix. Like Raneri, he is well-respected by his peers, loved by his fans and too infrequently seen on stage. This will be the first concert length theater performance by either artist in years.

Rosanne Raneri is a luminous, unforgettable, award-winning singer-songwriter who hypnotizes audiences and inspires reviewers to call her breathtaking, exciting, the best in New York’s Capital Region, a star-in-waiting. One fellow singer-songwriter describes Rosanne Raneri’s unique and arresting sound as “romantic, classic, erotic.” Her voice is gutsy and sensitive, penetrating, fluid and precise, husky and revealing; her lyrics have a distinct edge that respects the fragile and raw spectrum of emotion and experience while testing their boundaries. For more about Rosanne, click here.

Bryan Thomas is a soul rocker from New York’s capital city of Albany. According to Nippertown’s Greg Haymes “With Prince as his primary musical touchstone, Thomas’ uncompromising songs are specifically local, yet gloriously global. He writes smart, and he writes from the heart, balancing intellect, passion and politics.” Samples of Bryan’s music, video and poetry can be found online at his award-winning web site, and at, a webzine for underground arts in Albany, New York. Thomas is a founding member of the Hidden City collective.

500 Western Ave; Albany, NY 12203
(518) 438-5503

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