'This musician rarely misses a beat'

13 Apr

Matthew Loiacono

Good stuff in today’s Times Union, via Mr. Eck:

This musician rarely misses a beat
By MICHAEL ECK, Special to the Times Union
First published: Sunday, April 13, 2008

He’s certainly best known as the hairy guy holding the mandolin (and occasionally the banjo) in the popular upstate porch-rock group the Kamikaze Hearts. But local music insiders also know Matthew Loiacono as the former drummer in saxophonist Brian Patneaude’s jazz combo and singer/songwriter Bryan Thomas’ lean, tight band; or they’ve seen him hitting skins or strumming strings with a host of others….

Loiacono spent February writing and recording new music as part of the nationwide February Album Writing Month project. He’ll release the results, a collection called Kentucky, online later this spring…

TU Article | Kentucky Record & Contest | Matthew’s Blog