The rise of Babylon

02 Apr

rosanne raneri does haverly and thomas

Legend has it that when Otis Redding first heard Aretha Franklin sing his song “Respect,” he said (admiringly):

“That girl stole my song!”

And as much of a genius as Mr. Redding was, he was right. After all, what percentage of America knows that Redding wrote it and had a hit with it first?

Well, Rosanne Raneri performed “Babylon” at “Why Can’t I Be You” tonight.

‘Nuff said.

Actually, it’s not enough said: I’ll post more on this later, but for now I’ll just say that it was probably even more intense to hear Rosanne’s interpretation of Katie Haverly’s “15 Minutes.” Katie was moved to tears.

For the record: I performed Mr. Dan Wilcox’s haunting “Bagdhad/Albany” poem (first time I was able to read through it without literally breaking down… intense, intense, intense) and the great MotherJudge’s “Woman of Mystery,” which inspired the song “Babylon.”

Full circle.

And oh yes: anticipating that TheHiddenCity cameras would once again head to the bar during my set (why are they never in the room when I’m on stage?), Mr. Eck offered this as consolation:

rosanne raneri does haverly and thomas

Ten times better than any damn HiddenCity pic, that’s for sure.


Thanks, Mike.


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