Archive | July, 2006

Amusement Park Musings

19 Jul
Amusement Park Musings

TUESDAY: I mention to a co-worker that as a child I was terrified of much of that Lake George attraction then known as Storytown. The menacing gorilla at the entrance to the Jungle Land section was bad enough (not to mention the racist imagery), but I’m still working out the psychological trauma I experienced watching […]

Powhida, Buell, Tyler

18 Jul
John Powhida Bebe Buell Live Tyler

Speaking of celebrities and their babies (Bebes?): Yes, that’s our man John Powhida in the pages of People Magazine. The copy reads: FEMALE BONDING Liv Tyler cozies up to mom Bebe Buell (dad is rocker Stephen Tyler) at a birthday bash Wednesday for the elder former model at New York City club the Cutting Room. […]

Lights, camera…

18 Jul
kamikaze hearts

…action. After an embarassing 10 month hiatus, the webcam is back. With June pix from dueling shows of the Kamikaze Hearts at Lark Tavern and Nicole Peyrafitte at Justin’s. Plus some belated shots from the Utah trip back in October 2005.

What happened in Vegas…

17 Jul
Hiking in Utah

… actually happened in Utah. So, um, here’s those “more pics” I promised 10 effin months ago. The Killers played a set outside of our hotel room at the Hard Rock that night. I spent an all-nighter finishing up the move before I’d gotten on the plane that morning, so all I wanted to do […]